HHC vs. THC Which is better?

There are over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant and with all the hype around hemp-derived cannabinoids, the two most well-known and researched cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and hexahydrocannabinol (THC) (HHC).

While THC is the cannabinoid most closely associated with the plant's psychoactive properties, HHC is the more potent of the two. Both cannabinoids have medicinal benefits in treating a variety of illnesses. THC, on the other hand, has been examined more thoroughly than and is hence more commonly known. So, what is the difference between the two cannabinoids? Let us investigate more.

HHC vs THC which is right for you

What is HHC?

The key distinction between the two is the duration of their effects. HHC produces effects that can last up to 12 hours, but THC produces effects that last only a few hours.

This makes HHC a better solution for those seeking long-term symptom treatment. It is crucial to note, however, that the duration of HHC's effects can vary depending on the individual.

When you eat HHC, you get a THC-like high but with an overall calm feeling. This makes it an ideal blend for individuals seeking a euphoric "high." The effects of HHC can vary depending on how much is ingested. A tiny amount, for example, may merely elicit mild relaxation, whereas a bigger dose may cause sleepiness.

What exactly is THC?

THC is the cannabinoid largely responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. It is this molecule that causes cannabis users to feel "high." THC works by connecting to the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is a network of receptors placed throughout the body that regulate a range of processes.

The ECS is involved in the regulation of mood, hunger, pain, and memory. When THC interacts to receptors in the ECS, it alters their functioning. THC, for example, can boost appetite or make you feel calmer.

What effects do HHC and THC have on your body?

HHC and THC have similar effects in the body to other cannabinoids, with some minor differences.

Cannabinoids interact with your endocannabinoid system and stimulate the cannabinoid receptors, which is a complex biological network comprised of receptors, endocannabinoids, and enzymes. Each component helps to maintain homeostasis, often known as balance, in your body.

CB1 receptors

HHC and THC are cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors that are found throughout your brain and central nervous system. CB1 receptor targeting produces a euphoric high as well as other benefits like as anti-inflammation, pain relief, sleep promotion, and overall health and wellness.

THC binds to CB receptors as well, but with far more affinity for the CB1 receptor than HHC. This is why THC provides a stronger high. Furthermore, THC's binding to the CB1 receptor modifies your brain's communication pathways, which can result in both short-and long-term changes in brain function.

THC and HHC Side Effects

THC has numerous side effects, the most prevalent of which are dry mouth, red eyes, and increased appetite. Anxiety, paranoia, and psychosis are among the more severe side effects.

Because HHC is a considerably less studied cannabinoid than THC, nothing is known about its negative effects. HHC, on the other hand, is typically thought to be well tolerated by the majority of individuals.

Mild sedation is the most commonly reported side effect. THC and HHC are likely to show up on a drug test. THC can remain in your body for up to 30 days. HHC can remain in your body for up to 60 days.

Is HHC synthetic?

It is determined by the source. It is sometimes referred to as "semi-synthetic." Although the HHC molecule is naturally present in the hemp plant, it is insignificant in comparison to delta-8 thc and delta-10 thc. It happens when delta-9 THC oxidizes into CBN over time, whether the cannabis flower is stored improperly or begins to age.

Because flower with low THC levels cannot be extracted naturally, growers resort to adding hydrogen (hydrogenation) to the THC molecule, changing the molecular structure, which creates hhc products. They are able to link a delta-9 THC component from hemp with hydrogen atoms using this approach.

The hydrogenation procedure involves introducing a material, usually in the presence of a catalyst, such as nickel or zinc, which converts the molecule.

The hydrogenation of delta 9 THC reduces the stability of the molecule. The addition of hydrogen strengthens the molecule, making it semi-synthetic.

How does HHC make you feel?

Because it is a less prevalent cannabinoid, the effects are less well-known than those of THC. However, some people report feeling more relaxed and less worried after using HHC-containing goods.

HHC relaxing feeling


Every synthesis includes both high and low potency molecules. The problem is that producers can't seem to separate the high active potency (9R HHC) from its inactive sibling at a reasonable cost (9S HHC).

Is HHC legal?

In the 2018 Farm Bill, Congress made the hemp plant and all of its derivatives federally legal—as long as the plant or anything made from it has less than 0.3 percent delta-9 THC.

Although HHC occurs naturally in the cannabis plant, commercially it is produced by pressure hydrogenating hemp-derived cannabinoids with a catalyst such as palladium. The National Cannabis Industry Association describes the result as a "semi-synthetic" cannabis molecule.

Will HHC be detected in a drug test?

It appears that HHC does not degrade in the body in the same manner as THC does. In contrast to the delta 8, delta 9, and delta 10 forms of THC, there is some evidence that it does not convert into 11-hydroxy-THC, the breakdown chemical that many drug panels test for.

However, this has not been explored and is not confirmed. And yet, no one can guarantee that this molecule will not leave traces of its use in your blood, urine, or hair. If your workplace tests for drug use, we recommend that you avoid using HHC.

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